Monday, 26 December 2011

Taking a break

I'm going to take a little mini-break from blogging until the new year. Mr B, Miss L and I are going to relax and enjoy our time at the beach with the extended family. We're even going to fit in a trip up to Rockhampton and Yeppoon to visit some good friends. I will be sure to tell you of our adventures when I return. I hope you have a great end of the year and that you get to chill out and do the things that you love doing.

C xo

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Merry Christmas

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy the day with your loved ones. Be thankful for the small things that mean a lot. Health. Happiness. Love.

C xo

Saturday, 24 December 2011


Today is the birthday of my sweet baby sister and my gorgeous hubby. My sister H turns 26 (that makes me feel old) and Mr B turns the ripe old age of 30.

Happy Birthday to both of you!

Mr B, the 6 weeks of 'same age' begins! Hooray!

C xo

p.s. Is it cake o'clock yet?

Friday, 23 December 2011

Last minute gift ideas (that are super cool)

I found these ideas on the Real Living website... Holy wow! Those peeps over at Real Living magazine really know how to make the basics look amazing.

I thought it appropriate to post these ideas today, with only 2 days left of Christmas shopping... And the most awesome thing is, you can get all of these from the supermarket which is open until 9pm most nights. Bonus! I think these are the sweetest gift ideas and would make any recipient very happy. You can check more ideas out here.

A Kitchen Garden gift:
Shopping List:
Diced Tomatoes 800g, $1.55 Herbs in Pot, $4.79; Paper Roll 10m, $2.45; Gardener Fork, $4.99; Trimmer Line, $3.98; Fun Stuff Super Craft Pack, $4.99; Super Glue, $2 for 2 tubes; Ansell Green Thumb Garden Gloves, $4.99

Kitchen garden gift how-to
Open the tinned tomatoes and transfer contents to another container. Clean the tin thoroughly, remove label and let dry. Drill holes in bottom of tin to allow water to drain through. Replant herb plant into tin. Wrap tin with a neat piece of brown paper and tie garden fork in place with green whipper-snipper line. Stick a small popsicle stick (from the craft pack) to tin with glue. Print a label for the planter on paper, cut to size and glue to the popsicle stick. Make a "lawn" for the tin with the gardening gloves.

i-Tween Gift
Shopping List
Three Threes Pickled Onions 800g, $2.89; WT Demineralised Water 2L, $1.99; Faulding Remedies Glycerine 200ml, $8.14; iTunes Gift Card, $20; Christmas Collection Star Scatters in Silver 25g, $2.15; Christmas Collection 25-piece Ornament Packs in Blue and Magenta, $4.99 each; Home Living Muffin Cases, $2.99 for 50; Home Living Balls Of String, $3.38 for 2-pack

i-Tween Gift How-to
Transfer pickled onions to another container. Wash and dry jar. Fill with demineralised water and a dash of glycerine (this helps the glittery star scatters fall to the bottom slowly). Stir well. Add giftcard, star scatters and baubles (allow baubles to fill with water if you want them to sink). You may need to tape a little bit of bubble wrap or something buoyant to the back of the giftcard to help it float. Top up jar with demineralised water and close with lid tightly. Pop a muffin case on lid and tie with string.

The Picnic Gift:
Shopping List:
Homebrand Stuffed Green Olives 450g, $1.85; Tuckers Natural Four Cheese & Chives Crackers 100g, $2.99; Home Living Muffin Cases, $2.99 for 50; Home Essentials Cooking Twine 100m, $4.99; Maggie Beer Extra Virgin Olive Oil 375mL, $8.99; Rye & Currant Sourdough Bread 315g, $3.25; Brown Paper Roll 10m, $2.45; Home Essentials Chopping Board Bamboo 37cm x 14cm, $7.99; John Sands Thick Striped Ribbon, $2.50

Picnic Gift how-to
Transfer the olives to another container, and wash the jar and lid in hot soapy water. Let dry. Fill jar with crackers. Add lid and place a muffin case on top and tie with cooking twine. Cover the bakery label on the bread by wrapping a strip of brown paper around the centre. Secure with string. Arrange jar, bread and olive oil on chopping board and tie with thick ribbon

I hope you have all of your Christmas shopping sorted.

C xo

Wednesday, 21 December 2011


I love pink. It makes me feel super happy and girly when I wear it. I might whip out my hot pink Leona Edmiston 'party' dress for Christmas day.

What colour instantly brightens your day?

C xo

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Denim shirt + pretty skirt

I am loving the whole denim shirt look, especially when paired with a bright patterned skirt. Here's a few inspirational pics I've been lusting over...

The look just screams casual glamour!

C xo

Monday, 19 December 2011

Monday + (Damn) Shopping Ban + Work

This morning I was up at the crack of dawn with Miss L... This photo does not do the sunrise justice. It was a beautiful bright orange and purple sky.

After giving Miss L a very early morning bottle, I put her back to bed and got a good couple of hours shut eye myself. I slept in until 7am. It was heavenly. While Miss L still slept, I made a cup of tea, put a load of washing on, and sat down to some avocado on toast. She promptly woke up at 7:30am, but it was nice to have a bit of 'me' time.

Tomorrow Miss L and I are heading up to Bundaberg with my Mum and sister J, so I'm madly trying to pack (can I take 10 dresses????!!!!), clean the house, and use up all of the fruit and vegies we have lying around because I just know that Mr B won't finish them in the few days he's at home by himself before he comes up north. I made this greek salad for lunch. Delicious!

Miss L is wearing her bib sideways. She is a trend setter.

In other news, this damn shopping ban (I have started adding the word 'damn' to the front of it because I'm getting so sick of it) is annoying. I'm kind of over it. I've survived 3 months on it (nearly 4 months!). I made it halfway. Is that enough? Can I give it up already? I feel like I've cheated along the way anyway, with the op shopping and spending my birthday money... I know Mr B already thinks I've blown the ban with the op shopping, but he's glad that I'm spending less on clothes. Plus I've learnt a lot. I've learnt to not go spending money I don't have (goodbye credit card), and I've learnt to think more carefully about what I want and not just buy things on a whim.

That being said, I'm so coveting a Red Phoenix Emporium necklace. Specifically the Gelato necklace and the Everyone's a Wintour necklace. Might drop a few big hints to Mr B for my birthday.
The RPE Gelato necklace
And work is sorted for next year. 3 days a week. Starting early February. God help me, I don't know how we're going to cope with the new routine, but I know we will... eventually.

So, I'm going to be away for the next 2 to 3 weeks with limited internet access... I've scheduled a few posts up until Christmas, but after that, I'm taking a bloggy break. I'm going to relax, go for long walks on the beach, eat my weight in rum balls, and do lots of swimming. Can't wait. I'll be back in the new year to tell you all about our little holiday and Miss L's first Christmas. I hope you all have a fab Christmas and New Years wherever you may be...

C xo

Friday, 16 December 2011

Fashion Friday: Simple Dress + Chunky Necklace

Today I wore this:

Dress: Witchery
Silver necklace: Tiffany & Co
Chunky necklace: Gift (I think it was bought in Thailand)

This morning my Mum, brother and sisters came over for breakfast. We made a delicious meal that we stole from the Lady Marmalade cafe in Stones Corner.

Avocado (seasoned with lime, chilli flakes, salt and pepper) with roasted tomatoes and a basil pesto on toast with 'home fries' - diced potato fried in a hot pan with cumin. Seriously. Amazing. I scored the leftovers so this is my lunch.

No plans for the weekend apart from a trip to the markets in the morning. Going to take it easy before heading away next week to Bundaberg and then Woodgate for Christmas.

I hope you have a fab weekend!

C xo

Thursday, 15 December 2011

My latest Pinterest pins

Here are the last four pictures/images I pinned on Pinterest. Are you on Pinterest? I'm a bit obsessed

Outfit inspiration. Loving the denim shirt and floral skirt with leopard print accessories

So in love with this bike. I want a pink bike with a basket (oh, and a baby seat for Miss L)
Cute art + what I'll be drinking on Christmas day
Lucy Laucht. Love her style
Bit of a slight fashion slant, isn't there? Hmmmmm...

C xo

Wednesday, 14 December 2011


Today I am very thankful for my gorgeous sisters and Mum who very generously baby sat Lucy so that I could have the afternoon off. I 'if'd' and but'd' about it, but in the end, I didn't have a choice in the matter. I don't know why, but I feel guilty when I have 'me' time, like I'm letting Miss L down, or burdening the babysitter in some way. But I know its silly, and I know its good for my soul, to recharge, to have a little breather every now and again.

I wracked my brain trying to think of something I wanted to do by myself, something that would make the best use of my 'me' time. At first I thought it would be good just to be at home by myself to clean and tidy the house, but then a big light bulb went off in my head... Lunch with Mr B in the city would be perfect. No pram. No nappy bag. No baby. Just us. Like back in the day. And it was good.

I caught the bus. I know. So glamorous!
Waiting for Mr B outside of his office building

We went to Pescatore Wine Bar on the corner of Margaret Street and Felix Street in the city. Yummy wood fired pizzas and a glass of wine for lunch. So lovely. Mr B had to get back to work, so off I trotted to Queens Plaza to finish my Christmas shopping. And I shopped in peace. No pram. No stress. No worrying if Miss L was happy or if she was sleeping or if she was hungry. But it seems I was on high alert for babies today. I heard them crying everywhere. And I felt for the Mum's because I know the feeling well. A sad baby after a long day of shopping does not make for a very good combo.

I had a Quattro Formaggi  pizza. I ate the whole thing. All of it. So good!

And I smiled to myself and thought 'Thank God for sisters and Mums who look after my baby so I can have some me time'. I am very lucky. And I owe them big time. I just wish my sisters lived closer. I'm going to miss them when they're gone.

C xo

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Vintage Modern

Ever since I switched over to the new, modern Blogger format I've been forgetting to post a title to my blogs of late... Annoying. Sorry readers. I promise to be more diligent with this.

So, does anyone know where all the good vintage stores in Brisbane are? I don't mind me a good second hand (modern) bargain (like today, I bought a Country Road dress for $7.95 at Endeavour Foundation (aparently guilt free shopping) in Capalaba. Shhhh don't tell Mr B)... but where are all the actual vintage clothes? The ones from the 50's and 60's and 70's? I do like to frequent the Vintage Fashion Fair, however it only happens in Brisbane twice a year. It's a little bit expensive, but the sellers scour the world for beautiful vintage clothing so I guess you're paying for that.. Last time I scored a gorgeous apricot pink dress that was made in Paris. I also find Etsy good for vintage as well.

In other news, I stumbled upon this video today via Zoe Foster on Twitter (@zotheysay). So freakin' funny.

C xo

Monday, 12 December 2011

How was your weekend?

Mine was jam packed.

We woke up to lots of rain on Saturday morning and thought we'd have to cancel our trip to the markets, but it quickly cleared up, so off we went - just me and my sister J and H. Mr B stayed at home with Miss L. Thanks hon!

I wore this:

Stripes and florals! I kept the colours similar so it wasn't too clashy.
Top: Sportsgirl
Skirt: Vintage

My sisters bought Mum and I a plant each for Christmas. I scored this little maidenhair fern which I think will be so sweet in a ceramic pot in the spare room/study.

We got big coffees from the Columbian coffee man. I bought my MIL some nice coffee for her birthday and I also got some Mexican Chilli Hot Chocolate mix as well. Mmmmmm. We also stocked up on fresh fruit and veg, and some yummy sourdough bread. Delish!

Saturday arvo was spent busily tidying up the house before MIL descended upon us. It was a flying visit from her as she jet-setted off to Cairns to visit her family up north before Christmas. Saturday night we ordered Earth n' Sea pizzas and started watching Sherlock Holmes (with Downey-Jnr and Law) but we all started dozing off around 8:30pm so didn't get to finish it!

Sunday was a day around the house. We dropped MIL at the airport, and then had to make a second dash to the airport in the arvo for Mr B's cousin who stayed with us the night.

We have had lots of visitors in the B household!

Today Mum, J, H, Miss L and I headed off to 1888 Pizzeria at The Barracks for lunch. So yummy! We then hot footed it to Garden City for a spot of Christmas shopping before coming home and wrapping some pressies. J and H are staying with Mum for a few nights, so we've got the house to ourselves. As much as I love having visitors, its also nice just to have the three of us in the house.

I made some faux chicken pies for dinner tonight - they are quick and delicious but super bad for you because of all the puff pastry! Why does pastry taste so good?

About to go into the oven. A spare one for Mr B's lunch tomorrow!
I just cooked up some chopped chicken and seasoned it with chilli flakes, all purpose season and lemon pepper, added some peas, sweet potato (to mine only, Mr B does not like sweet potato) and some grated cheese - I twisted up the puff pastry and sprinkled them with sesame seeds and left over grated cheese and popped them in a very hot oven for 10 minutes. And there you have it. An easy and tasty dinner.

I served mine with lashings of sweet chilli sauce
And, I think I found my inspiration for starting on the weight loss train... A photo. A photo of me from behind. A photo that I am too ashamed to post on here because its THAT BAD. My big fat butt in all its glory. Oh, the shame.

My sister J took the photo before we headed off on an arvo walk on Friday. The very day I whinged about how fat and yuck I felt. Uggh. I'm going to introduce a morning walk tomorrow. It means our little morning routine will change, but change is good, right?

C xo

Friday, 9 December 2011

Unfashionable Friday + She's Here (Part 2)

I'm feeling so blurrggh at the moment. Fat. Wobbly. Yuck. I need to get my 'losing weight' mojo back. You'd think that picturing myself in togs on the beach at Christmas would spur it on. But alas, its not. 

How do you keep motivated? How do you say no to those yummy baked treats, and chocolate, and wine? I need some motivational ideas because my motivation has seriously gone out the window.

In other news, look at this:

Yep, that's right. Mr B hung his sloppy clothes (or house clothes to you folk) up on the knob on the back of the bathroom door and I didn't even have to hassle him about it! All week I had been thinking 'Why does he just leave them lying on the bathroom floor? Couldn't he just hang them up?' and low and behold, he's done it. He's read my mind. Thanks Mr B!

And in more exciting news my youngest sister H is here from Melbourne!!! Yay! It is so good to see her and have some family time together. She is a laugh a minute and has been showing us cat gif's and telling funny stories. She has loved seeing Miss L and is so amused at her shenanigans.

Today, J, H, Miss L and I went for a drive to Mt Nebo and went for a forest walk, and ate a picnic lunch together. It was lovely. We took photos, but they are on J's camera and she's off having dinner with her uni gang tonight, so I will post some later.

So loving this sister time together. They are so funny and make me laugh all the time. Love you heaps sisters!

Tomorrow we are off to the Rocklea markets for some fresh produce! Hope you have a lovely weekend.

C xo

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Urgent Dating Advice Required ASAP (not for me, obviously)

Gorgeous artwork by Rachel Castle

So, I was speaking to my bestie today. She has just started online dating, and so far she has met with three guys. The first two were duds and she promptly moved on after the first meet up with them knowing that there would be somebody better for her out there. The third guy has absolutely blown her away. She has used the following statements numerous times: "I think I really like him" and "I've never felt like this before". Yep, its serious.

But get this, she's only been on six dates with him. Yep, six. AND he's 11 years older than her. 41. 41! But a good 41 at that. I've seen a photo. I want to know his secret. Seriously.

Anyway, I turn to you dear blog readers, as we need some advice. He is whisking her away to Noosa for the weekend, which is his home town. They are staying in his apartment away from his family, but he has organised for a meet up with his... (wait for it)... MOTHER. After SIX dates. Six! Is that too soon? We feel like its too soon! Six dates. 3 weeks. Meeting his Mum. Is he breezing through the dating process because he's 41? Because he wants needs to settle down? Or is it purely just so she can meet someone in his life that is important to him and we're just making a big deal about nothing? Or are we just totally out of the dating loop at the moment?

Mr B and I had been together a couple of months before I met the parentals. I feel like we had enough time together to find our groove and realise that this was something serious and we could take that next step of meeting the family.

Three weeks just seems too soon. But maybe its a good thing too because it shows that he's serious about her?

What should my bestie do? Can she say to him that she feels things are moving too fast? Will that ruin the relationship potential? Or should she just go with the flow?


C xo

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Chilly Day

The weather is unseasonably chilly in Brisbane at the moment. It's such a nice change from the usual sweltering heat that we are used to at this time of year. My sister J and I ate a delicious couscous and vegetable soup for lunch and drank copious amounts of tea and coffee. We even fit in a trip to Target and Spotlight. We're going to get our craft on!

I have packed a lot of my cooler weather gear away, so today opted for a maxi dress and cardi.

Miss L has outgrown a lot of her gear so it was slim pickings this morning when she got dressed.

I am wearing:
Dress: Big W (I wore this when I was preggers too! So versatile)
Cardi: Saba

Miss L is wearing:
Dress: Cotton On Kids
Pink bird tights: Trade Secret

Hope you are all keeping warm!

C xo

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Baking and stuff

Little Miss L is sick. Diarrhea. Its not pretty. Sleep has been scarce in our household... But we soldier on.

As my sister J finished marking her students assignments, I baked up a storm.

First off: scones. With copious amounts of jam and cream. My Mum makes the. best. scones. ever. I am somewhat hopeless at making scones. They always look demented. These turned out ok at best.

Next, a coconut bread. Which is not really a bread, its more a loaf. Mr B and I went to the Cook Islands for our honeymoon and we ate the most delicious and moist (yep, there's that word) coconut bread there. This is nothing like it, but still tastes good. The coconut gives it a nice texture and the cinnamon gives it a bit of spice.

Have you heard of Lucky Magazine? I bought a few issues when we were in the USA last year and I just love the magazine. Great tips on fashion and shopping and beauty. My kind of magazine, really. Devo that I can't get it here. Anyway, so then I found this book that they put together. The Lucky Guide to Mastering Any Style. Sorry, the photos are sideways. Why can't I change them in Blogger? Uggh.

Its brilliant and often gives me some great outfit inspiration. Today I decided to open the book on a random page and base my outfit on that (I'll do more of this I think). I opened it in the 'American Classic' section. This girl is wearing fur and cashmere. Really NOT suitable for Queensland weather. So I improvised.

I'm wearing:
Grey marle T-shirt: Bonds
Rolled up Jeans: Sass and Bide
Necklaces: Tiffany & Co, Urban Outfitters and a gift from my bestie

Oh, and see I got my fringe cut yesterday?

I'm still getting used to it. I'm hoping it doesn't look like Rod Stewart from the 80's. You'd tell me if it did, right?

Does anybody else find this image disturbing?
C xo

Monday, 5 December 2011

She's Here!

My sister J is here! Hooray! So so so excited to see her. We have been having a lovely time together and she has really enjoyed getting to know Little Miss L.

My brother came over yesterday arvo and we snacked on these:

J and I rustled up some yeast products. Its in our genes you know (daughters of a baker). Check out our pizza dough and bread proving on the stove top:

J and Little Miss L caught up. They chatted about all things laptop to the great outdoors. I know. So diverse.

This morning Little Miss L, my Mum and I headed off to the hairdresser. Whilst LML didn't get a hair cut, she enjoyed a home baked treat and a recline in the massage chair. That girl sure does know how to relax.

We then went back home and picked up J and headed off to the Woolloongabba Antique Centre. That place is amazing. We had some lunch at the 50's style diner and then browsed the antiques. LML was suitably gussied up in the baby carrier pod so I had arms free to roam.

I found Manolo Blahnik heels for $180 and a gorgeous Dior large leather tote bag in mint condition for $395. Oh, if money was no object........

We bought J some gorgeous accessories for her Christmas present and then headed home for a nice cup of tea and a Caramello Koala.

We love you J and we are so glad to have you here visiting with us (even though Mr B complains about having to eat more vegetarian meals)!!!

C xo