Wednesday, 14 December 2011


Today I am very thankful for my gorgeous sisters and Mum who very generously baby sat Lucy so that I could have the afternoon off. I 'if'd' and but'd' about it, but in the end, I didn't have a choice in the matter. I don't know why, but I feel guilty when I have 'me' time, like I'm letting Miss L down, or burdening the babysitter in some way. But I know its silly, and I know its good for my soul, to recharge, to have a little breather every now and again.

I wracked my brain trying to think of something I wanted to do by myself, something that would make the best use of my 'me' time. At first I thought it would be good just to be at home by myself to clean and tidy the house, but then a big light bulb went off in my head... Lunch with Mr B in the city would be perfect. No pram. No nappy bag. No baby. Just us. Like back in the day. And it was good.

I caught the bus. I know. So glamorous!
Waiting for Mr B outside of his office building

We went to Pescatore Wine Bar on the corner of Margaret Street and Felix Street in the city. Yummy wood fired pizzas and a glass of wine for lunch. So lovely. Mr B had to get back to work, so off I trotted to Queens Plaza to finish my Christmas shopping. And I shopped in peace. No pram. No stress. No worrying if Miss L was happy or if she was sleeping or if she was hungry. But it seems I was on high alert for babies today. I heard them crying everywhere. And I felt for the Mum's because I know the feeling well. A sad baby after a long day of shopping does not make for a very good combo.

I had a Quattro Formaggi  pizza. I ate the whole thing. All of it. So good!

And I smiled to myself and thought 'Thank God for sisters and Mums who look after my baby so I can have some me time'. I am very lucky. And I owe them big time. I just wish my sisters lived closer. I'm going to miss them when they're gone.

C xo

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