Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Baking and stuff

Little Miss L is sick. Diarrhea. Its not pretty. Sleep has been scarce in our household... But we soldier on.

As my sister J finished marking her students assignments, I baked up a storm.

First off: scones. With copious amounts of jam and cream. My Mum makes the. best. scones. ever. I am somewhat hopeless at making scones. They always look demented. These turned out ok at best.

Next, a coconut bread. Which is not really a bread, its more a loaf. Mr B and I went to the Cook Islands for our honeymoon and we ate the most delicious and moist (yep, there's that word) coconut bread there. This is nothing like it, but still tastes good. The coconut gives it a nice texture and the cinnamon gives it a bit of spice.

Have you heard of Lucky Magazine? I bought a few issues when we were in the USA last year and I just love the magazine. Great tips on fashion and shopping and beauty. My kind of magazine, really. Devo that I can't get it here. Anyway, so then I found this book that they put together. The Lucky Guide to Mastering Any Style. Sorry, the photos are sideways. Why can't I change them in Blogger? Uggh.

Its brilliant and often gives me some great outfit inspiration. Today I decided to open the book on a random page and base my outfit on that (I'll do more of this I think). I opened it in the 'American Classic' section. This girl is wearing fur and cashmere. Really NOT suitable for Queensland weather. So I improvised.

I'm wearing:
Grey marle T-shirt: Bonds
Rolled up Jeans: Sass and Bide
Necklaces: Tiffany & Co, Urban Outfitters and a gift from my bestie

Oh, and see I got my fringe cut yesterday?

I'm still getting used to it. I'm hoping it doesn't look like Rod Stewart from the 80's. You'd tell me if it did, right?

Does anybody else find this image disturbing?
C xo


  1. Loving the fringe. I have been rocking one for a few years now and love it as it is way cheaper than botox!

    Hope Miss L feels better soon.

  2. I know! The fringe makes you look surprising young. Who would have thunk it?!

  3. Love it. Especially with the Rod reference.


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