Monday, 19 December 2011

Monday + (Damn) Shopping Ban + Work

This morning I was up at the crack of dawn with Miss L... This photo does not do the sunrise justice. It was a beautiful bright orange and purple sky.

After giving Miss L a very early morning bottle, I put her back to bed and got a good couple of hours shut eye myself. I slept in until 7am. It was heavenly. While Miss L still slept, I made a cup of tea, put a load of washing on, and sat down to some avocado on toast. She promptly woke up at 7:30am, but it was nice to have a bit of 'me' time.

Tomorrow Miss L and I are heading up to Bundaberg with my Mum and sister J, so I'm madly trying to pack (can I take 10 dresses????!!!!), clean the house, and use up all of the fruit and vegies we have lying around because I just know that Mr B won't finish them in the few days he's at home by himself before he comes up north. I made this greek salad for lunch. Delicious!

Miss L is wearing her bib sideways. She is a trend setter.

In other news, this damn shopping ban (I have started adding the word 'damn' to the front of it because I'm getting so sick of it) is annoying. I'm kind of over it. I've survived 3 months on it (nearly 4 months!). I made it halfway. Is that enough? Can I give it up already? I feel like I've cheated along the way anyway, with the op shopping and spending my birthday money... I know Mr B already thinks I've blown the ban with the op shopping, but he's glad that I'm spending less on clothes. Plus I've learnt a lot. I've learnt to not go spending money I don't have (goodbye credit card), and I've learnt to think more carefully about what I want and not just buy things on a whim.

That being said, I'm so coveting a Red Phoenix Emporium necklace. Specifically the Gelato necklace and the Everyone's a Wintour necklace. Might drop a few big hints to Mr B for my birthday.
The RPE Gelato necklace
And work is sorted for next year. 3 days a week. Starting early February. God help me, I don't know how we're going to cope with the new routine, but I know we will... eventually.

So, I'm going to be away for the next 2 to 3 weeks with limited internet access... I've scheduled a few posts up until Christmas, but after that, I'm taking a bloggy break. I'm going to relax, go for long walks on the beach, eat my weight in rum balls, and do lots of swimming. Can't wait. I'll be back in the new year to tell you all about our little holiday and Miss L's first Christmas. I hope you all have a fab Christmas and New Years wherever you may be...

C xo

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