Thursday, 29 September 2011

Zusak makes me sob

Ok, so serious nerd alert here. I'm in a bookclub. And I LOVE it. We affectionately call it 'BC'. I think this is our fourth year of BC - some people have come and gone, there are some original members (like me) and there are lots of new members, including baby BCers. Friends of friends, work colleagues, babies. That's how we keep growing. People find out about our BC and want to be in it! That's how good it is.

So, each month someone 'hosts' BC - they pick the book that we read, the venue, date (usually the last weekend of the month) and time for BC. We all rock up, discuss the book, eat, drink, but mostly we gossip, we laugh, we catch up on each others lives. I look forward to BC every month and catching up with all of the girls, and this Saturday is our BC meet up.

We read (or in my case - are still reading) 'The Messenger' by Markus Zusak. Wow. Brilliant. Loving it. The quote above is from the book and is one of my faves. It actually triggered the tears I discuss below. I loved The Book Thief when we read it in 2009 year (I think it was 2009 - somebody correct me if I'm wrong!). The Messenger is very different to The Book Thief, but still great. Zusak has a way of bringing emotion and life into his characters and into the story. You truly feel connected to them. He is still to this day the only author that has made me sob, I mean really sob with big fat tears and a hot red face (that was The Book Thief - I highly recommend. I would actually say that The Book Thief is my favourite book). And Zusak has not failed with The Messenger. I cried. And I haven't even finished yet! Bah!

What about you? Have you ever cried whilst reading a novel?

C xo


  1. This entry fills my heart with joy. And now I'm off to find that book.

  2. I'm glad A. If it wasn't for you, there would be no BC. C xo


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