You know those days when its so freakin' hot and your face is sweating... SWEATING (!!!) at 8:00am and you just can't be F'd putting make up on. Yep, that was yesterday. And the day before that. And today. Uggh. This heatwave in Queensland is killing me.
Little Miss L and I headed off to Rocks Riverside Park in Seventeen Mile Rocks yesterday. I thought it would be absolutely feral and packed with kids, but it actually wasn't too bad.
There is an excellent water park there and we found a nice shady little spot away from the 'big' kids for Little Miss L to splash around in. She loved it. The water. The noise. The sights. And most of all the other kids. She is going to be one little social butterfly.
I have been worried about her starting child care in February... but the more I see her with other kids, the more I realise that she is going to be fine. Just fine. Its me that will need comforting I think. I'm going to miss her when I go back to work, even though it is only for three days a week.
Anyway, back to the original reason for this post, on days when I can actually be F'd to put
some make up on, and I'm not doing anything particularly interesting, this is what I like to do:
+ Wash face, moisturise using a moisturiser with SPF (I like Hamilton Everyday Face with SPF 30+)
+ Dab on concealer under eyes, on eyelids, on nose, around nose and on any other noticeable blemishes (absolutely love MAC Select Cover Up)
+ Curl lashes (this is a must for me, even when I wear NO make up at all. I have short stubby eyelahses)
+ Put on one coat of brown mascara (currently using Chanel Inimitable)
+ Dab on a little bit of cream blush (using Maybelline Dream Mousse blush at the moment)

+ Slick on some lipgloss, preferably with SPF in it - The Revlon Super Lustrous Lipglosses are a fave, as is the Lanolips range of glosses
Simple, and it only takes a couple of minutes, but makes me feel a million times more glamorous compared to no make-up'd me!
What do you do for your lazy make up face?
C xo