Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Things I Love: Morning Rituals

Every morning I have a ritual... or routine if you will. And I love it.

: Little Miss L wakes up around 5:30am.
: I make a cup of tea, we get Mr B's snacks ready for work, we watch a bit of tv and play on the floor.
: Little Miss L has a bottle at 6:00am
: She has cereal at around 6:30am
: I eat my breakfast (and share it with Little Miss L as she's always eyeing it off despite just having a bottle AND cereal)
: I do the dishes and tidy up the kitchen around 7:00am
: Little Miss L and I wave goodbye to Mr B from the front porch at around 7:20am
: We play, I get washing organised, or sweep the floor, or do the groceries online while Little Miss L plays or watches ABC Kids
: Little Miss L goes back to bed around 7:45am
: I make our bed
: I wash my face, get dressed, put make up on
: And then at around 8:30am I come out and make a coffee. This is my favourite part of the morning. Little Miss L is in bed. The house is relatively tidy. There's no stress. No worries. I check my favourite blogs. I start thinking about what the hell I'm going to blog about today.

Today I'm sitting on my back deck, drinking my coffee, blogging and trying to catch a cool breeze (its so stinkin' hot in Brisbane at the moment. 31 degrees today! Uggh!).

I was really scared about next year with me returning to work and having to start a new morning routine that would most likely be rushed and hurried... But now I'm not sure if I will have that issue. A little part of me is happy though. It would be good to spend some more time with Little Miss L.

C xo

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