Wednesday, 10 August 2011

I'm a Joiner

In this modern age of social media, I've always been interested in having my own blog, but always too scared to start one. Scared I'll be too boring, scared I'll just become another of the already millions of bloggers out there, and what would I talk about for goodness sake? But being a stay at home Mum can at times be tedious and repetitive, and I feel like I am losing myself  and slipping away from the things that I loved and had interest in before Little Miss L came along 6 months ago.

So, I thought, I'm going to be joiner. Sign me up! Blogger world, here I come.

The aim for this blog is to put a spotlight on all of the things that I love and to reignite my creativity before it gets buried under piles of nappies and teething rings! I've always had a passion for fashion (including an unhealthy obsession with shoes), home style, baking, books, craft and the list could go on. This here blog is my little space for me to be me. I hope you like it. C xo

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